Collection: Multiples and Copies Series

One of the common criticisms that art collectors and investors make about digital art is the issue of rarity, with digital art images being openly accessible to view online via NFT marketplaces today. This series of polaroid photographs responds to these criticisms, noting that the use of copies and multiples has a long and celebrated history in contemporary art.

Polaroid photography is used in this series as an analogue media that produces unique one-off works of art. The person who purchases these works of art will be the owner of a unique one of a kind polaroid photographic artwork. This medium has however, in recent years, been reinvented as a digital media, with polaroid images now being more commonly created via a smart phone or computer and later developed on polaroid film through a digital exposure process.

All of the images seen in this series have been created from digital artworks that are being sold as NFTs. The NFTs will be provided free of charge to the owner of the polaroid photographic works when they are sold.     

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